Project Advent II, Day 18: Second Helpings


First things first.  My friend and loyal reader Ali requested that I put something shiny in a post for her, so here it is, personalized with a shiny letter "A" and everything!
OK, now on to today's service.   I had originally planned to return to the Sick Children's Clinic, because I had such a wonderful experience there last time, and because they had doctor's hours today.  Unfortunately, the doctor's hours started at 10 AM, and at the very end of the day yesterday, my manager scheduled a 10 AM meeting that I really needed to be at.  I texted the folks in charge to apologize and let them know I wouldn't be there.

Luckily, God provides!  Because it's Tuesday, I knew that Second Helpings was serving at my church, so I ran over there during my lunch break and helped serve food.  So many of the friends I made during my visits last December were there again, just as they probably have been all year long.  Today's menu included beans, green beans, carrots, fried chicken, baked chicken with a sour cream sauce, salad, and dessert.  My station was right beside the salad, where there were two large bowls of salsa, one red and one green, spooning it out to anybody who wanted some with their meal.  I got to stand beside Nell, one of my favorite ladies, and visit with her, and the hour passed quickly.

Affirmation Project:  I'm really grateful for the family I married into.  Over the last year, Courtney's cousin Chad has become a really treasured friend, and today he shared something with me, something very kind that he recently did for somebody in a position of need.  Thank you for letting me know about that, and for the part that you've agreed to play in Project Advent this weekend, Chad!
A Special Look What Danny Made! Note:  This is my 300th post!  It's a landmark I'm happy to have reached, and happy to have fall in the middle of Project Advent.


brandy said...

I call Nell "That Nell" because she is THAT wonderful!

Ali said...


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