Project Advent II, Day 23: The WE Fund


My friend Wyatt is a great guy.  He's a brilliant medical researcher, a great father, and a generous friend.  He and his wife Enusha have one of the most romantic stories of courtship ever.  She also works in medicine.  When the two of them were married, they started a non-profit organization called The WE Fund to promote scientific solutions to societal problems.

Here, from The WE Fund's Facebook page, is a description of their organization's goals:
The WE fund supports those who use basic science to provide the insight necessary to solve the most important human problems in development, research, and conservation.
Unfortunately, their website is offline right now, but I contacted Wyatt and he anticipates that it'll be back online in January.  Today, I dropped a check in the mail for The WE Fund.

Tomorrow's it - the end of this year's Project Advent.  I'm kind of coming down to the wire on preparing for what I'm working on, but I really, really hope it comes together.

Affirmation Project:   There's a girl whose family goes to our church, and she occasionally works in the nursery.  As I was walking down the hall to get the kids this morning, she got excited and said, "I never knew that you and Mrs. Lewis are brother and sister!"  My sister, Kristen, used to be a counselor at a junior high here in Lubbock, and is working her first year in a high school this year.  This girl had seen a picture of my kids in Kristen's office, and put things together when she asked about it.  I'm proud of you and the difference that you make in your students' lives, Kristen.  It makes me proud when they associate me with you!


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