Project Advent II, Day 16: Coalition to Stop Gun Violence


I can't believe I'm saying this on a Sunday night, but I'm actually glad that tomorrow is Monday.  Maybe when I go to the office tomorrow, I'll actually have the chance to sit still for a few minutes.

First, to follow up on yesterday's entry.  At the end of today, after the kids had their baths and were in pajamas, I got them to help me make our goodie bags for the Hope Lodge.  I told them what the stockings were for, and they didn't even ask for any of the candy we were putting inside them.  They were just so excited that they were getting to do something that would make people happy.  It really, really blessed me.
I'll be delivering the stockings tomorrow, and I hope that they'll be enjoyed by the guests at Hope Lodge.

Now, for today's project.  My original plan today was to take the kids out to lunch and pay for a stranger's meal.  That's something I've always wanted to do, and have always thought would be fun.  I'm just not in a fun place yet, though.  Every time I close my eyes, I see that little girl in the blue shirt, the one who was sobbing as the police led her class away from their school.  I called an audible, and changed where the donation for today went.  Today, I sent an hour of pay to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  It's not a lot, but it's at least something.

We're in the final week of Advent.  I'm really looking forward to some of what's coming up this week.

Affirmation Project:  One of the things that I have to do on Sundays is lead a weekly Bible study.  This year I have a pretty small group, just myself and three people.  Today, two of them couldn't make it, so it was just me and Stephanie in class.  Stephanie, today I just want to thank you for being in class, not just today, but always.  You are so knowledgeable and passionate about the Bible, and having you in class has really made it a fun group to be with this year.


Sarah said...

Danny, Thank you so much for supporting CSGV's efforts to make sure that this type of horrific tragedy can never happen again! I am so grateful to you and all the wonderful people around the country who have reached out and helped at this devastating time. - Sarah, CSGV Development Director

Unknown said...

thank you Danny. CT is really reeling right now. Newtown is a small town, and CT is a small place. i don't know anyone who doesn't know someone touched by this tragedy. :(

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