Jungle Holocaust was made about three years before Cannibal Holocaust, and if you compare the two, you can tell that this is an earlier effort, made by a director who was still feeling his way along. It covers some of the same ground that showed up in the later movie, but not with the same effectiveness.
When I watched Cannibal Holocaust, I gave it a rating of 4 out of 5. It wasn't a really enjoyable movie to watch, but it succeeded at what it set out to do, so I gave it points based on that. I can't really say the same thing for this movie. It's just really uneven. It's a horror movie, but then there's scenes right in the middle of it where the lead character is walking beside the river and the soundtrack is playing this gentle, hippy-dippy flute and guitar number, as though to remind you about the serenity of nature. And of course, they need to remind you about the serenity of nature, because you've just watched a close-up, unstaged scene of tribesmen butchering an alligator and eating its still-beating heart. And, look, I know that they call these things exploitation movies for a reason, but come on... The cannibals are ferocious when they're torturing and killing, but once they sit down to eat, it's like Deodato instructed them to look as blank-eyed and stupid as possible while stuffing as much into their mouths as they can. It's like handing a turkey leg to the village idiot and telling him to go nuts. It practically screams, "HEY LOOK AT THESE BIZARRE BROWN PEOPLE." Don't even get me started on how we're still supposed to identify with the lead after he punishes the native girl for trying to escape by raping her.
Nope. Did not like this one. One cannibal cauldron out of five.
Tomorrow night: Cannibal Ferox
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