You can only buy it by the quart, and when your recipe only calls for one and a half cups, you can either let the rest go bad in the fridge or find something else to make with it. So, following Ali's lead, I turned to to see what to do with leftover buttermilk.
Biscuits? Done it already. Fried chicken? Too time-consuming. A-ha! Buttermilk pie! And a super-easy recipe with all of the other ingredients already in my fridge and pantry, to boot.
Impossible Buttermilk Pie Recipe from
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup baking mix
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9 inch pie plate.
Beat together white sugar, buttermilk, baking mix, melted butter or margarine, vanilla, and eggs until smooth. Pour filling into pie plate.
Bake until knife inserted in center comes out clean, about 30 minutes. Cool and serve.
This pie was awesome. You don't even need a crust because it kind of makes its own. I dusted it with some powdered sugar, and we took some over to my parents last night when we took them some of the photos from our weekend photo session. My dad even said it reminded him of something my grandmother used to make for him! I would make only three changes next time I make it:
- Put some fresh berries on top of it before serving.
- Set the oven timer for 40 minutes instead of 30. I ended up having to add 10 minutes to the cook time to get it firm enough.
- Find a better name than "Buttermilk Pie," because people (or at least the ones in my family) instantly assume that things with "buttermilk" in the name are gross.
I think this the obvious other answer:
But this recipe sounds good too.
My mom has a great recipe for buttermilk pie as well. It's a family favorite... Angie
that sounds yummy too! but I have a trick if you just don't have access to any buttermilk-----just put a little white vinegar in regular milk----the ratio is 1 tsp to each 1/2 cup of milk!
That's a neat trick, but one that I will be keeping a secret if I ever use. I had a hard enough time convincing my family that buttermilk pie is good, let alone vinegar pie!
right! but see-----if you do it this way, you can just call it "special milk"----nothing that syas buttermilk in sight!
syas??? sheesh------says-----
how about "kick-ass-so-good-i'm-not-sharing-with-you pie"? this sounds great. and YES! i needed to know what to do with the rest of the damn buttermilk.
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