Project Horror


Last year, my friend Steve Myles had an idea that I'm going to steal.  Every night in the month of October, I'm going to watch a different horror movie and write a little bit about it here.  I know not everybody is a fan of horror movies, but stick with me - I'm hoping this will be fun!

As I see it, the biggest challenge won't be not getting frightened.  It will be finding the time to watch a different movie every single day, especially on nights when Courtney isn't working.  But I have my project before me, and I'm dedicated to it.

I also took the suggestion of my friend Todd, who thought it would be a good idea to have theme weeks, although I changed it a little.  Having an entire week of one type of movie was too limiting, so I'm going in five day blocks.  I'm not going to give you the line-up yet; this is partly because the surprise of each day's movie will be part of the fun, and partly because I need some wiggle room in case Netflix shipping dates don't cooperate.  What I will tell you now is what the themes will be:
  • October 1-5:  Classic Horror
  • October 6-10:  Zombies
  • October 11-15:  Foreign Horror
  • October 16-20:  Occult/Supernatural
  • October 21-25:  Creepy Creatures
  • October 26-30:  The Evil Men Do
  • October 31 (HALLOWEEN!):  Danny's Choice
First movie is tonight!


Matt said...

What's tonight's inaugural movie? Decided yet?

Danny said...

I've decided, and got it ready to go, but I'm afraid you'll have to check back tonight to find out what it is!

scumdog steev said...

Glad I could inspire you. The credit goes to my friend Rob, though, who did this (or at least tried it) the previous year. I'm looking forward to seeing what selections you've chosen for the month.

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