I never really intended to quit updating the blog, I just sort of ran out of motivation and ideas for a while. It's been sitting in the back of my head for a while as one of those things that I really ought to get back to one of these days. A lot has happened in the 7 and a half years since my last post. A LOT. Biggest of these is that we moved to Spring, TX (just north of Houston) in 2014. I'm in a different job that I really love. The kids have gotten so much bigger. And all this time, the entry sitting at the top of my blog is one about a bad day Jack had in preschool. I'm really pleased to tell you that he no longer removes his shoes, poops in his pants, or pulls friends' ears at school.
Like most of you, we've spent most of 2020 pretty much locked down. Several months into quarantine, Blake asked me if I remembered making Project Gastronome videos together. I mean, that's not something you just forget... Last summer, he went to the Boy Scout World Jamboree and met other kids from all over the world. He especially enjoyed trying some of the snacks and candies that the Japanese scouts carried with them, so he asked if we could order some and try them together on camera.
I don't know if this is the start of a blog revival, but the results were fun and I thought I'd share them. If the last time you saw Blake was in 2011 during the original Project Gastronome, you're going to flip when you see the enormous person he is now.
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