No Such Thing As Bad Publicity


I've decided that since the Jiu-Jitsu class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I'll actually be posting my write-ups on the days following the lessons.  That way I can get home, get the kids to bed after the lesson, and not stay up until all hours getting finished.  I think this will let me write better posts, too.  All in the name of quality, dear reader!

In the meantime, I would like to show you something that aired on Taiwanese national television yesterday.  It doesn't matter if you can't understand the language.  It's only about a minute and a half long, and you'll see why I wanted you to watch it.  I just want you to keep two things in mind as you watch.

  1. Oscar Wilde once said, "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." 
  2. This aired on NATIONAL TELEVISION.

There's another quote that's been attributed to everybody from Mark Twain to P.T. Barnum, "I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right."  Unfortunately, I can't tell if they're spelling my name right or not.


Ali said...

OH! MY! GOSH! that is SO FREAKIN' AWESOME! i am SO proud of you and your "bad decision" eggs!

Becca said...

OMG Ryan and I are laughing so hard. You're an instant celebrity!

Danny said...

Next time I tell somebody about this blog, you'd better believe I'm going to end it with, "You might not have heard of me, but I'm HUGE in Asia."

Katie said...

Ummm time to monetize the site?!

Springer said...

This is about the coolest thing ever. I'm so proud to know you! I would like you to have a t-shirt made that says "I'm huge in Taiwan."

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at this! This is hilarious! You might want to beef up security at your casa for fear of retaliation from angry Asians, PLEASE translate this video for your fans haha!

Anonymous said...

One of my wife's cousins teaches English in Taiwan, so I sent her the link to see if she would translate. - Clint

Danny said...

Nice! Thanks, Clint.

Anonymous said...

Danny, in the news(video) they didn't even mention your name. So you don't need to worry the spelling of your name. On the other Taiwan news, your name was there. The name was put correctly.

Someone from Taiwan

Danny said...

Good to know - thank you! There is a semi-retired American reporter living in Taiwan who has been forwarding me a lot of the reaction to all of this. Apparently, the story hit mainland China this weekend, and the papers there call me Hao Wada.

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